How Lollipops Can Help You Predict the Future

Tarot cards, Palm reading and Lollipops all have one thing in common: 
They can help you predict the future.  
Close your eyes, dip your hand into a bag of Lollipops and the flavors you choose will give you insight into your future! In this blog post we're going to let you know how to decipher your future using 8 of our  OG Lollipops. Each flavor has a different meaning and you can find out what they mean right here. 

Wild Cherry

If you pick a Wild Cherry Lollipop you have a crazy few months ahead of you. Expect a lot of ups and downs but also a lot of exciting changes. It will be a wild ride but once things settle down you"ll miss the constant change and excitement. 

Juicy Grape

Despite being the type of person who usually avoids drama, your life is going to become the juiciest piece of gossip in the next few months. Your going to have to decide how your going to handle all the drama. Either head-on or or by avoidance but if you want to get it over with quickly your going to have to confront it- and the sooner the better. 

Mocha Latte

Your going to get a sudden burst of productive energy! It will come to you easily at first but after a few months it will start to wear off. If you want the streak to keep going your going to have to stay focused and work heard to achieve your goals. Your hard work will be rewarded and eventually become a habit if you keep it up! 

Banana Split

In the next few months your going to split form a friend, relationship or loved one. Prepare yourself for the change in relationship and remember not to drown yourself in sorrow. Everything ends for a reason and its important to remember that while your feeling down. But don't worry- you're going to become more independent, stronger and happier without that person in your life!

Pina Colada

You have a relaxing few months ahead! After working so hard to reach your goals, karma is rewarding  you! Make sure to let go and have a good time! You've got nothing to worry about and life will sort itself out. Enjoy this time with your friends, family and loved ones before life become hectic again. 

Cotton Candy
Don't forget to enjoy the sweet things in life. The next few months may be stressful but only if you let them. Take breaks from work and do activities you enjoy to stop the stress from effect you. Don't let moments of kindness go unnoticed and be thankful to everyone who helps you out-  karma will reward you. 

Candy Apple 

Don't let your knowledge get the best of you. Stay open minded or you'll become trapped in your own thoughts. Let others influence you and take suggestions from the people in your life. You're not always right even when you think you are. Your overconfidence is going to be the reason you fall if your not careful. Stay humble. 


You're headed into a rebellious phase for the next few months. While your going to go on adventures you'll never forget you also need to be careful not to get into trouble or ruin relationships with the people you love.  You actions effect people more than you know, so while you are out on your adventures remember to keep all your old friends close to your heart. 


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