Why Lollipops are the New Black

What never goes out of style, matches everything and goes with any season?
No, not the color black.
It's Original Gourmet Lollipops! 

What makes OG Lollipops the coolest new accessory? Everything about them!

Unlike boring black, our lollipops have an awesome array of colors and patterns to choose from.
In fact, it might be a little overwhelming to choose just one of our Lollipops to rock each day.

Luckily, OG Lollipops are easy to carry with you at all of times, so your won't have to choose just one.

They taste delicious! You'll be able to satisfy any food craving without having to wait through meetings, class or the next grocery run. 
And let's face it, if you wait to long for your food you're going to end up like the guy below: Devouring everything and anything. 

Also, no one wants to see you hangy...

Lollipops are also a great way to show people you appreciate them! 

Or a good trade off for free swag

Lollipops are the perfect snack for every season. They don't melt...

Or give you a brain freeze

Now, how many of those things can the color black do?


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