Don't Cry over Broken Lollipops; Make Unicorn Pops!

Its bound to happen; you drop it, it gets crushed, it gets tossed around in transit. Lollipops break sometimes, but it doesn't have to be the end of the world if you open the wrapper and find a crumbled mess. We think it's just a good excuse for a fun DIY craft. You may even start hoping for a broken lollipop just so you can make it in to something new and exciting. Here's a fun and simple craft to transform those sad broken pops into some magical unicorn pops!

What you will need:
  • Some broken lollipops
  • Hammer, mallet or rolling pin
  • Ziploc freezer bag
  • Cupcake pan
  • Non-stick cooking spray
  1. Pre-heat oven to 325ºF
  2. Place broken pops in Ziploc bag and crush them up even more with a hammer, mallet, rolling pin, or whatever you have that will do the trick (Keep in mind that the smaller the pieces are, the quicker they melt). 
  3. Put the lollipop sticks aside for use at the end.
  4. Spray cupcake pan with non-stick cooking spray
  5. Spoon lollipop crumbs into the cupcake molds (If you crush different colors in separate bags you can get creative with the pattern). 
  6. Bake in oven for approximately 5-10 minutes. Cook time can vary depending on how much you fill each mold so keep an eye on them to make sure they don't burn.
  7. Take them out and let them sit until they are cool enough to handle but still soft.  Then place the lollipop sticks to your creation. 
Place boken pops in Ziplock bag and crush them up even more with a hammer, mallet, rolling pin, or whatever you have that will do the trick (Keep in mind that the smaller the pieces are, the quicker they melt). 

Spray cupcake pan with non-stick cooking spray

Spoon lollipop crumbs into the cupcake molds (If you crush different colors in separate bags you can get creative with the pattern). Bale ~5-10 mins

When pops are baked and cooled slightly, remove and place stick back onto your new lollipop.


  1. I followed the Unicorn Pop recipe today and the results came out great, but it created a sticky mess when working with melted candy. Good thing I wore a pair of gloves throughout the process. While cooking, I increased the oven temperature a bit, added a bit of Stella Rosa, and froze my treat to set. Overall, my creativity paid off in the end.


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