5 Tips to Kicking off the School Year Right

Its that time of year again, summer vacation is coming to a close and the back-to-school grind is just beginning. Now is the time to set the pace for the whole year. Things can surly get a little hectic, but we believe a good start can create less stress down the road. Whether you’re a parent or a student yourself, the new school year brings new challenges. Getting off on the right foot can surely help set you up for success.

1. Establish a routine

This is your chance to come up with a game plan. Look at all your responsibilities for the day and organize when everything will get done. The busier you are the easier it is to get sidetracked and forget things you need to do. Having it written down and knowing when each task will be done can help keep you right on track. Each day of the week may look different, but week-to-week should be consistent. 

2. Find an organizational system that works for you

Everyone is different so what keeps one person organized may not work for another. Figure out what tools keep you organized best. Do you like to keep lists on paper or on a phone app? Do you like to separate notebooks by subject or keep them all in one place? Maybe you are a master at color-coding. Finding the right method to organizing your clutter of responsibilities will save you headaches down the road.

3. Be realistic

Set daily goals that you can actually achieve. Have a timeline planned and make small goals you can achieve one at a time. If you set goals you know you cant reach you can easily get discouraged and may find that you didn't account for what would happen if you don't reach your goal. Know your limits and be proactive. Set goals you can tackle to avoid getting stressed out.

4. Make new friends

With a new school year come new faces. If you're a student you can talk to a peer who sit near you in class. If you're a parent of a student you can befriend a fellow parent in the stands at your kids basketball game. Making new friends who are involved in the same things as you make them relatable, and you can lean on each other when it comes time to study for an exam or carpooling the kids to school.   

5. Take a (lollipop) break

We are only human. We cant go on and on without any relief. Don't forget to reward your hard work with small breaks throughout the day. You can go for a walk, a run, watch an episode of your favorite show or treat yourself to an Original Gourmet Lollipop. Not only is it relieving to take a break once in a while, its restorative and can make you more efficient at tackling the rest of your day, week, and year!


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